Meet our experts

Emmi Jouslehto
CEO & Co-Founder / Arilyn

Emmi is a XR enthusiast and the CEO of a Finnish metaverse company Arilyn. As a geographer, she has a particular interest in human behavior in immersive spatial experiences. She is also a big fan of future technologies, art and culture. Emmi has a soft spot for science fiction, and right now, she gets inspired by the music videos from the '80s.

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Laura Olin
COO & Partner / ZOAN

Helsinki-based ZOAN (founded 2010) comprises a Virtual Studio, metaverse and Burst Live fanverse. Laura has been in charge of producing some pioneering works, such as virtual concerts and cultural heritage experiences. She believes that technology is one of the biggest change-makers, but is far too important to be left for tech enthusiasts only. Laura’s own background is in marketing and journalism.

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Moderator / Joey Bayer
Head of Community / Epicenter Helsink

Joey Bayer has been responsible for creating conversations that matter for more than 16 years.From creating the space, to connecting key players, to driving / setting the agenda, Joey brings together individuals for moments that both transform and inspire.

Over the course of his career, Joey has hosted the world's most fascinating and influential people - from world leaders, like Bill Clinton, to iconic legends like Liza Minelli, to the CEOs of today's Fortune 500 companies.

Joey's intuitive ability to connect with others, his passion for people and dialogue, and ability to get directly to the heart of the discussion have earned him a reputation of trust and respect with leaders around the world, and made him a central figure in today's most important conversations.

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